Being Church at All Times – 228

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I want to say a very big THANK YOU to all those who worked hard to organise the Autumn Sale, running the book stall, food stall, cake stall and restaurant. Those who came along very much enjoyed it, though the numbers were down, which was a shame. I know how much hard work it is to put on these events.

David's Licensing as Assistant Chaplain
This coming Sunday, 15th September, Archdeacon Peter Hooper will formally license David as Assistant Chaplain. This will take place as a short part of our 'usual' Sunday Eucharist. (This will simply formalise with the Diocese the rôle David has been doing for some months; it has taken some time to sort out all the formalities).
We will warmly welcome Archdeacon Peter who will also be preaching at the service.
There will be a celebratory glass of wine after the service.

If anyone is interested in being baptised or confirmed, please do let me know, so we can arrange some sessions to talk about the Christian faith. The next confirmation service in our area is on Sunday 1st December, in Basel.

Prayer: Being honest and bringing our weaknesses before God

'We can come to God in any shape or mood; we come as we are, not as we would like to be. What matters is that we come in the truth of our being. The masks, disguises and pretences must be shed; we have to let him know us.

Our frailty does not disqualify us from prayer. The falls which leave me ashamed and humbled, the weakness which betrays me into betraying God, and the general slum my inner life seems to be when I survey it in his presence: all these I can directly bring to him. They are his business, because they are part of my poverty and he delights in the poor. He invites me down from my shaky ladder of pretence, as Jesus invited Zacchaeus down from his sycamore tree, and like Zacchaeus I have everything to gain by accepting the invitation. Down on firm ground I can let him love me as I am.'
(Maria Boulding)

With love in Christ,