Being Church at All Times – 227

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope you have been able to enjoy the hot sunshine in recent days, though now we are in September, Autumn is soon approaching. Indeed it feels more Autumnal today. I hope to see many of you on Saturday for the Autumn Sale.

Autumn Sale, Saturday 7th September, 10:00 - 14:00
Our book stall, food stall, cake stall will all be open, together with delicious food in the restaurant. If you can help with baking cakes and scones, running a stall or clearing up afterwards, please let the office know.

A reminder about BOOKS from the Book Team:
We are very grateful for book donations for our regular book sales. However, owing to limited space, we can only accept English paperback novels in good condition. Please do not donate German books, text/self-help books or hardbacks.
Thank you!

These events are good community events. Please do come along and bring your family and friends.

Memorial Service for Annegret Kapossy
Some of you will remember Annegret who used to worship at St Ursula's some years ago. There will be a Memorial Service to give thanks for her life and pray for her family on Saturday 7th September, 3.30pm, at St Ursula's.
Everyone is welcome

As we remember Annegret Kapossy's family in our prayers, let us also pray for Hans Wenger, Zsuzsanna Balogh, and Tony Read whose mothers have died recently.

Creation Season
In recent times, the Church of England and many other churches have set aside the period between 1st September and 4th October as 'Creation Season': a time to especially give thanks to God for the wonders of creation, but also to reflect on our responsibilities as Christians to care for the world God has given us, and what that might mean today.

Last Sunday we celebrated Creation Sunday, when we reflected on what it means that God is our Creator and gave thanks for all God has made.
This Sunday, 8th September, our focus will be Caring for Creation; we will be considering why as Christians we should care for God's world and take action in the face of environmental degradation and climate change.

The Council recently had a Council Day Away focusing on these themes and we will be planning further opportunities for reflection, feedback and action in the coming months.

David's Licensing as Assistant Chaplain
On Sunday 15th September, Archdeacon Peter Hooper will formally license David as Assistant Chaplain. This will take place as a short part of our 'usual' Sunday Eucharist. (This will simply formalise with the Diocese the role David has been doing for some months; it has taken some time to sort out all the formalities).
We will warmly welcome Archdeacon Peter who will also be preaching at the service.
There will be a celebratory glass of wine after the service.

A Creation Season Blessing

May God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the source of all goodness,
pour his blessing upon all things created,
and upon us his children,
that we may use his gifts to his glory
and the welfare of all peoples;
and the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
be among you and remain with you always.

With love in Christ,