Being Church at All Times – 223

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

It is good to be back in Bern after a very pleasant break in the Engadine. David and I really enjoyed exploring the area and had some great hikes! A big thank you to Maggie and Malcolm Guite for their ministry here while we were away and to James and Sue and others for keeping everything going in our absence.

I hope to see many of you on Sunday if you are around.

Back to School Pizza and Movie Night
James and Sandra are organising a fun pizza and movie evening for young people in the church hall, on Friday 16th August, 16:30 - 21:30 (see the attached flyer). Our teenagers and their families already know about this. But do feel free to mention it to any other young people you know (aged between 11 - 16) who might be interested.
Please can anyone who is coming let Sandra or James know by August 11th.

Men's Group Breakfast
The next Men's Group breakfast will be on Saturday 17th August, 9.30am, in the Upper Hall.
This is good opportunity for fellowship, Bible study, reflection and prayer (in addition to breakfast!). Those who are on the regular mailing list of this group will know about this meeting already. But all men in the church are welcome.
Please let James know if you would like to come.

Children's Activity Day, 24th August
We still have some places left for this Activity Day on the theme of 'God Feeds Us'.
The day will run from 10:00 - 14:00, and will include outside games, crafts, baking and singing as well as Bible stories and activities based on the theme. The day is for children aged 3-12. (NB: children between 3-6 need to have a parent with them).
Please let the office know as soon as you can about any children who would like to come.

I know that many of you very much enjoyed Malcolm Guite's Songs and Sonnets evening last Friday. One of his poems speaks of the abundance of God's grace, which is rich nourishment to us; we are fed through the Eucharist and in other ways. We will be reflecting on this theme this coming Sunday as we ponder Jesus' words: 'I am the bread of life'.

I leave you with Malcolm's poem below:

The Church's Banquet
Not some strict modicum, exact allowance,
Precise prescription, rigid regimen,
But beauty and gratuitous abundance,
Capacious grace, beyond comparison.
Not something hasty, always snatched alone;
Junkets of junk food, fuelling our dis-ease,
Nor little snacklets eaten on the run,
But peace and plenty, taken at our ease.
Not to be worked for, not another task,
But love that's lavished on us, full and free,
Course after course of hospitality,
And rich wine flowing from an unstopped flask.
He paid the price before we reached the inn,
And all he asks of us is to begin.

With love in Christ,