Being Church at All Times – 222

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope that you are able to enjoy the sunshine in between the thunderstorms, and that those of you who are going away on holiday enjoy the break.

David and I will taking the service this Sunday, 21st July, and hope to see you then.

We will then be away on holiday from Monday, 22nd July. While we are away Maggie Guite will be taking the services (see below). But if you have any urgent concerns, please send a message to:
This will go to James and the church wardens.

Junior Church
This coming Sunday, 21st July, Junior Church WILL be meeting. It would be great if families who are around and not away on holiday can come along to church with their children. (It is very discouraging for teachers to prepare a session and no children turn up!)
After this Sunday, there will be NO Junior Church over the summer except 4th August.
NB. On Sundays when Junior Church doesn't meet there will be toys and activity sheets provided in the hall.

Malcolm and Maggie Guite
While David and I are away on holiday (22nd July - 5th August), Canon Maggie Guite will be taking the services. I am delighted that Malcolm and Maggie (who are good friends of ours) will be coming to St Ursula's and I have no doubt you will enjoy their time with you and be greatly enriched by all they offer.
I am attaching a brief biography of Maggie and Malcolm so you know something about them.

Songs and Sonnets Evening with Malcolm Guite, 2nd August
Malcolm has offered to read some of his poems and sing some of his songs at St Ursula's, Friday 2nd August, 19:00. Many of you will be familiar with Malcolm's poems as I often include one at the end of my email message. He is wonderful to listen to, so do come along if you are around in August.

I leave you with some wonderful words of hope.

'Hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.' (Romans 5:5)

'May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.' (Romans 15:13)ยง

With love in Christ,