Being Church at All Times – 220

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It was a great joy to be at James Morgan's ordination service in Brussels last Sunday. We look forward to welcoming James at St Ursula's as our new Assistant Curate, this Sunday, 7th July. There will be celebratory drinks after the service.

African Social Event, Saturday 6th July, 11:30-15:00.
This is a reminder to those who have signed up to come along on Saturday! (We do have quite a large number of people coming so it may be difficult to cater for any more than those who have signed up already).

Malcolm and Maggie Guite
While David and I are away on holiday (22nd July - 5th August), Canon Maggie Guite will be taking the services. I am delighted that Malcolm and Maggie (who are good friends of ours) will be coming to St Ursula's and I have no doubt you will enjoy their time with you and be greatly enriched by all they offer.
I am attaching a brief biography of Maggie and Malcolm so you know something about them.

Songs and Sonnets Evening with Malcolm Guite, 2nd August
Malcolm has offered to read some of his poems and sing some of his songs at St Ursula's, Friday 2nd August, 19:00. Many of you will be familiar with Malcolm's poems as I often include one at the end of my email message. He is wonderful to listen to, so do come along if you are around in August. I will send out a flyer about this event shortly.

Living a Lie: Article by Jorum Kirundi
I am attaching an article written by Jorum. He used to write periodically for our church magazine under the column 'The Herds Boy's Whistle'. I am delighted that he has written another short piece for us which is very thought provoking.

Change of Days Off
As most of you know I am now employed to work 70% and David 40%. This means that I am able to take two days off a week rather than one. I have been taking off Wednesday and Friday, but it is better for me to have the two days together. So from this week my days off will be Thursday and Friday. (This will usually be the pattern, though next week I need to take off Tuesday and Friday for various reasons). Thank you for your understanding.

Prayer for the World
Sometimes we may be overwhelmed by the needs of the world. It is hard to take on board the terrible suffering of the people in Sudan, the ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel and Ukraine, and the devastation caused by natural disasters across the world. We may also be thinking about the forthcoming elections in France, the UK and the United States. Let us commit our world to God. As we pray for his mercy and compassion, justice and peace, let us pray that we may play our part in whatever way we can to bring hope to others. You may find the prayer below helpful.

Grant us to look with your eyes of compassion,
O merciful God, at the long travail of mankind:
the wars, the hungry millions,
the countless refugees,
the natural disasters,
the cruel and needless deaths,
men's inhumanity to one another,
the heartbreak and hopelessness of so many lives.
Hasten the coming of the messianic age
when the nations shall be at peace,
and men, women and children shall live
free from fear and free from want
and there shall be no more pain or tears,
in the security of your will,
the assurance of your love,
the coming of your Kingdom,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(George Appleton, adapted)

Love in Christ,