Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of St Ursula's Church, Berne

held in the Church Hall on Sunday 28 April 2024 at 11:30

  1. Attendance and Apologies for Absence
    The meeting was attended by:
    Michael Agoba, Nelli Amirgulyan, Adiza Babatunde, Sheila Berger, Martin Browne, Tricia Carrick, Hector Davie, Ruth Freiburghaus, Donna Goepfert, Hans Goepfert, Peter Hawker*, Susan Higson, Beat Hodler, Chloë Hodler, Vinitha Jacob, Judith Josi, Andrée Kamarys, Cecily Klingler, Rolf Klingler, Diane Lohri, Urs Lohri, David Marshall*, Helen Marshall*, Allison Masciadri, Peter Masciadri, Mary Mead, Brian Morgan, James Morgan, Lilian Morgan, Lynn Morgan, Pieter Perrett, Emanuel Peter, Sandra Peter, Elisabeth Pfyffer, Hans-Karl Pfyffer, Rosalind Richards, Dimitri Sarkisov*, Patricia Schwager-Davis, Susan Spälti, James Squire, Katherine Squire, Astrid Vangenechten, Annemarie Walthert, Janet Wenger, Isabelle Wienand. (* marks non-members of the electoral roll)

    This represents 41 members of the electoral roll, three clergy and one visitor.

    Apologies were received from: Jonathan Carrick, Hans Kamarys, Tony Read, Chris Sager, Manuel Sager, Joanna Wenger, Edi Wildhaber and Maxine Wildhaber.

  2. Report on Changes to the Electoral Roll
    The revised Electoral Roll had been on display for over two weeks. There had been 12 additions and 1 deletion giving a total for 2024 of 115 members.

  3. Approval of the Minutes of the last AGM held on 26 March 2023
    The minutes of the last AGM were approved nem con.

  4. Reports on the Audited Accounts for the Year 2023
    Treasurer’s Report
    The treasurer, Susan Higson, presented the audited accounts, which had already been approved by council. The treasurer’s report is contained in the Annual Reports booklet, along with the combined income and expenditure statement and the balance sheet. More details, including a breakdown between the church and the association and the notes to the accounts, were made available to those attending the meeting.

    The treasurer mentioned some of the items from her written report. The result shows an excess of 27,156Fr for the Association and a deficit of 24,485Fr for the Church. The treasurer had transferred 20,000Fr from the Association to the Church as a contribution towards the upkeep of the buildings.

    The main source of income remains direct giving; income from events and from renting the halls is also significant. Our expenses were lower than in 2022.

    The treasurer noted the budget impact of the new working arrangements for Helen and David. These are described in the report in the Annual Reports booklet.

    There were no questions. The chair thanked Sue for her hard work and the meeting applauded.

    Auditors’ Report
    Beat Hodler reported on behalf of the two auditors. He and Tony Read had conducted the audit on 22 March 2024 and had concluded that both the full accounts and the consolidated account statement provided to the AGM give a true and fair view, in all material respects, of the financial situation at 31 December 2023. The chair thanked Beat and Tony for their work.

  5. Resolutions
    The Church Council proposed the following two resolutions: These resolutions were accepted by the AGM nem con.

  6. Elections

    The following nominations had been made:

    Two Churchwardens

    NominationProposed bySeconded by
    Pieter PerrettMaxine WildhaberH Davie
    Sue HigsonPieter PerrettMartin Browne

    Six Council Members

    NominationProposed bySeconded by
    Tricia Carrick Pieter Perrett Maxine Wildhaber
    Emanuel Peter Susan Higson Pieter Perrett
    Vinitha Jacob Andrée Kamarys R Freiburghaus
    Christine Sager Andrée Kamarys Jana Kutesko
    Adiza Babatunde Vinitha Jacob Martin Browne
    Susan Spälti Tricia Carrick Beat Hodler

    There were no additional nominations from the floor.

    As there were two nominations for the two places as churchwarden and six nominations for the six places as council members, no vote was needed. The chairperson declared all these people duly elected. This was greeted with a round of applause.

  7. Appointment of Auditors
    The treasurer thanked the current auditors for their work. Beat Hodler and Tony Read were happy to continue and were appointed as auditors for the year 2024.

  8. Admission of Churchwardens
    The chaplain admitted the two churchwardens to their office.

  9. Reports
    The annual reports booklet contains reports on:
    1. the proceedings of the church council
    2. general church activities
    3. fabric report
    4. the proceedings of the archdeaconry synod
    The chaplain encouraged everyone to read these reports, which are available as a printed booklet and also on the church’s website.

    Chaplain’s Report
    The chaplain’s report is contained in the Annual Reports booklet. The chaplain mentioned the items from this report relating to the priorities from last year and those for this coming year. She thanked all the people who contribute to the life of St Ursula’s, mentioning some of them by name. In particular, she thanked Martin who had served as churchwarden for five years and was now standing down and presented him with a small gift.

  10. Any Other Business
    There was none.

  11. Close
    The meeting closed at 12:50.

    Tricia Carrick (Secretary of the Outgoing Council)